Different massage techniques are used depending on your individual needs. The techniques used in Sports and Remedial massage don’t set out to relax the patient; rather their aim is to fix a specific mechanical problem. The massage is generally firm and deep but this is to reach the areas that are causing problems and its extremely effective at alleviating aches and pains.
Sports massage
A firm massage that treats the deeper layers of our muscles and tissues, it can be used to warm the muscles up before a sporting event and help the body recover more quickly afterwards. It’s hugely beneficial at aiding recovery and rehabilitation from injury and for preventing future injuries. In training regimes leading up to an important race or event, many clients come to me for regular massages to eliminate any ‘niggling’ pains that they’re starting to feel, and to ensure any unnoticeably-small injuries are treated before they reduce performance and become debilitating. Adhesions and scar tissue which prevent muscles from stretching properly can be broken down to ease tension, allowing them to function properly and for mobility to be improved.
Remedial Massage
The ‘remedy’ of problems caused by everyday postures and activities. As well as massage, this also incorporate a variety of other techniques, including:
NMT (Neuromuscular technique)
STR (Soft Tissue Release)
MET (Muscle Energy Technique)
These lighter techniques are used to effectively stretch, ‘fire up’ or relax the muscles depending on what is needed and means that even an area that is painful to touch can be treated with relatively little discomfort.